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Fig. 9 | Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters

Fig. 9

From: TMEM30A is essential for hair cell polarity maintenance in postnatal mouse cochlea

Fig. 9

Differential gene expression profile and GO terms of up- and downregulated pathways were analyzed. a Heatmap of differentially expressed genes that were at least 1.5-fold up- or downregulated with the q value less than 0.05. b, c The top 20 most enriched KEGG and WikiPathway terms. d The top 30 differentially expressed genes with smallest q value. The genes were listed as the outer layer, with pink dots indicating upregulated genes and blue dots indicating downregulated genes. The orange color in the inner circle indicated gene profiles in KO group, the blue one indicated those in WT control group. e Chord chart of the most significantly different expressed genes and the top ten GO term with the smallest p value. f GSEA analysis of the focal adhesion pathway. g qRT-PCR analysis of the different expression genes. GO gene ontology, GSEA gene set enrichment analysis, KEGG Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes. Error bars indicate the standard error of the mean. In g, N = 3

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