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Fig. 2 | Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters

Fig. 2

From: Optogenetic control of YAP can enhance the rate of wound healing

Fig. 2

Wound healing assay in H9c2 cells. A Timelapse images of wildtype H9c2 cells or cells transfected with optoYAP under different light conditions, taken every 30 min until gap completely closes. Representative images shown at 10 h intervals. Rounded cell doublet circled in red (bottom middle panel) is an example of a proliferating event. Scale bars, 100 µm. B Time taken for H9c2 cells for complete wound healing. Quantification of data in A over time. Bold lines represent mean and dashed lines represent linear regression fitted to the curve. n = 10 from two independent experiments. Numbers in brackets represent gradient of linear regression slope. Inset shows the measured slopes under different conditions relative to wildtype (colours as in main plot), error bars are s.d.. C Number of proliferation events counted during each wound healing experiment in (B). Bars represent mean and error bars represents s.d.. *P < 0.05, NS not significant

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