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Fig. 4 | Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters

Fig. 4

From: γ-2 and GSG1L bind with comparable affinities to the tetrameric GluA1 core

Fig. 4

Direct observation of GSG1L and γ-2 competing for binding sites at GluA1. A In cells coexpressing GluA1-GFP(Y66L), GSG1L-mNeonGreen (visualized in green), and γ-2-mCherry (blue), and injected with A647-Nb (red), all three colors colocalize in some spots. BD Arrowheads mark spots where (labeled) GluA1 and GSG1L (B), GluA1 and γ-2 (C), or GluA1, GSG1L and γ-2 (D) colocalize. E Explanation of pseudocoloring in AD. F Depending on the ratio of GSG1L and γ-2, there is either preferential colocalization of GluA1/GSG1L (left), GluA1/γ-2 (right), or both, including three-color colocalizations (middle). G Fractions of colocalizing spots for different GSG1L/(GSG1L + γ-2) spot number ratios as indicated on the x-axes. Values for “GluA1 + GSG1L” and “GluA1 + γ-2” include three-color colocalizations (≥ 3 movies for each condition, error bars s.e.m.). Scale bars 5 µm (full view in A), 1 µm (magnified views in AD)

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