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Fig. 8 | Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters

Fig. 8

From: Astrocyte senescence-like response related to peripheral nerve injury-induced neuropathic pain

Fig. 8

Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals profiling and transcriptional changes in rat spinal astrocytes in a neuropathic pain model. A Schematic overview of scRNA-seq analysis workflow. B t-distributed scholastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) plot of single cells profiled in the present work and colored by cell types and samples. C Heatmap displaying the DEGs in spinal astrocytes from sham and CCI rats. D Bar plot displaying the significantly enriched GO terms for the DEGs in spinal astrocytes from rats following sham intervention or CCI. E Bar plot showing the significantly enriched KEGG pathways for the DEGs in spinal astrocytes from rats following sham intervention or CCI. F Venn diagram identifying the intersecting genes between DEGs and SRGs as DE-SRGs. G Western blot images and quantification of DE-SRGs (MALT1, ENO1, CLU, and LDHB) in the primary cultures of spinal astrocytes (n = 3). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001

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