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Fig. 5 | Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters

Fig. 5

From: Deciphering the impact of circRNA-mediated autophagy on tumor therapeutic resistance: a novel perspective

Fig. 5

Aberrant expression of circRNAs is associated with cancer therapy resistance. Dysregulated circRNAs can regulate drug transporters (e.g., hsa_circ_103801 and hsa_circ_0000735), EMT (e.g., circESRP1 and circVRK1), TME (e.g., circITGB6 and circ_0012381), angiogenesis (e.g., circ_0011058 and circHIPK2), glycolysis (e.g., circFOXO3 and circPITX1), autophagy (e.g., hsa_circ_0000234 and circBANP), CSCs (e.g., circCDR1 and hsa_circRNA_102115), apoptosis (e.g., circLIFR and circFIP1L1), cell cycle arrest (e.g., circATL2 and circ_0067835), and DNA damage repair (e.g., circMTHFD1L and circACAP2). Upward-pointing red arrow ‘↑’ indicates upregulation, and downward-pointing green arrow ‘↓’ indicates downregulation

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